Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (2024)

Fantasy novel adaptations are experiencing a renaissance, and I couldn’t be happier. Thanks to the commercial success of Game of Thrones, many more genre series have been given the green light for their own TV shows, including The Witcher.

The Witcher Saga started small as a short story first published in 1986, but just look at it now—about to premiere its second season on Netflix! Okay, I can see that some of you aren’t as enthused as I am. Maybe you’ve been roped into watching The Witcher with your SO who loves the video games? I see you, and I gotchu.

Whether you’re a diehard Witcher fan or wouldn’t know Geralt from Gwent, I’m sure you’ll enjoy these co*cktail “potions” I’ve magicked up. I even made one especially for all you non-gamer girlfriends out there.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (1)

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (2)

What Is The Witcher Saga, Anyway?

Fine, I’ll admit it. I haven’t read any of the Witcher books that the Netflix show is based on… yet.

Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski’s original Witcher tale became so popular that he went on to write 14 more short stories and six novels following the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, the series’ titular protagonist. The Witcher Saga has since been translated into 37 languages and has sold more than 15 million copies worldwide.

While the books have been hugely successful, the video game trilogy is what really put The Witcher on the map (and in my heart). These action role-playing games feature richly designed open worlds, engaging storytelling, and complex combat systems. Oh, and titillating cutscenes, if you know what I mean.

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, released in 2015, was widely praised as the game of the year, with many gamers ranking it among the best video games ever made.

Henry Cavill would agree. As an avid gamer and megafan, Cavill played through The Witcher III several times long before he ever auditioned to be Geralt—a role he happily accepted and now embodies.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (3)

Bringing The Witcher to Life

The Witcher series on Netflix tells the story of Geralt of Rivia, a mutated monster hunter with special abilities, aka a “Witcher.” Geralt struggles to find his place in a fantastical world in which people often prove more dangerous than the beasts he battles.

It’s a dark adventure rife with magic, monsters, and… mature content. In so many ways, the first season can be interpreted as the poor man’s Game of Thrones—high fantasy, low production value. But once you get past the inevitable comparisons and frankly confusing timeline, there’s a lot to like.

Though Geralt is a man of few words, Henry Cavill brings plenty of humor and charm to the gruff protagonist. (Who knew he could deliver a terse “hmm” so well?!) The Witcher is clearly a passion project not only for Cavill but also for the showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, and their earnestness shows in every episode.

And hey, it’s just fun to watch! I bet you can’t listen to the infuriatingly catchy “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” and not sing along.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (4)

How to Make Real Potions

In The Witcher, especially the video games, Geralt will quaff potions to prepare for battle. Each potion grants different buffs and abilities, depending on its ingredients.

So just like Geralt, you can pick which of these co*cktail potions best suits the occasion. Or, mix up all three for a really magical effect! I kept the recipes relatively simple so that you really can make them all.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher co*cktail Recipes

Pick your potion: smoky, sweet, or earthy? This trio of complimentary co*cktails will take you on a tasty adventure worthy of any Witcher.

Each recipe:

  • Yield: 1
  • Prep Time: 5 min
  • Total Time: 5 min

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (5)

Cat Potion Recipe

Geralt has cat-like eyes that help him see in the dark, and the Cat Potion further enhances his night vision. This real Cat Potion recipe is smoky and citrusy, but that’s not the best part—it glows in the dark just like cat eyes! Simply shine a blacklight on the potion to make the tonic water naturally glow an eerie blue.


  • 1 1/2 oz mezcal (clear or unaged)
  • 1/2 oz orange liqueur or triple sec
  • 1 dash Midori (for color)
  • 1 oz tonic water to top
  • orange wedge to garnish


  1. Fill a co*cktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add mezcal, orange liqueur, and Midori.
  3. Shake until well-chilled.
  4. Strain into a chilled co*cktail glass (or potion bottle—use a funnel!).
  5. Top with tonic water; stir gently to combine. (Note: If serving in a potion bottle, carefully top with tonic water using a funnel; skip the stirring.)
  6. Garnish with an orange wedge as desired.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (6)

Tawny Owl Potion Recipe

In the video games, the Tawny Owl Potion increases Geralt’s Endurance and Stamina (no, it’s not as sexy as it sounds). But what I like about the Tawny Owl Potion is its mysterious purple color, reminiscent of Yennefer’s eyes. Take a sip and luxuriate in this potion’s sweet, floral flavors.


  • 2 oz gin
  • 1/2 oz Creme de Violette
  • 1/2 fresh lemon juice
  • candied or maraschino cherries to garnish


  • Fill a co*cktail shaker with ice.
  • Add gin, Creme de Violette, and lemon juice.
  • Shake until well-chilled.
  • Strain into a chilled co*cktail glass (or potion bottle—use a funnel!).
  • Garnish with cherries as desired.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (7)

Wives’ Tears Potion

Wives or not, non-gamers might just shed some tears when their partners can’t be dragged away from their video games. If this sounds familiar, this potion recipe is for you. It’s as salty and bitter as your tears… and you. If only this Wives’ Tears Potion worked like it does in the games, as an instant cure for drunkenness and hangovers!


  • 2 oz gin
  • 1 oz dry vermouth
  • 1/2 oz pickled beet brine
  • small pickled beets or co*cktail onions to garnish


  1. Fill a mixing glass (or co*cktail shaker) with ice.
  2. Add gin, vermouth, and beet brine.
  3. Stir until well-chilled.
  4. Strain into a co*cktail glass (or potion bottle—use a funnel!).
  5. Garnish with pickled beets or co*cktail onions as desired.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (8)

Geralt usually goes for a goblet of ale or wine (he does own a vineyard, after all). But maybe he could be convinced to try these improved alcoholic versions of his potions. I know that Jaskier, at least, would be down for some carousing and co*cktails!

I’ll be concocting these potion recipes—and summoning a few friends to help me drink them—while watching the second season premiere of The Witcher on Netflix come Dec 17.

For yet more witchy goodness, check out my recipe for Agatha All Along: a WandaVision-inspired co*cktail.

Meg Mezeske

I’m just your average author-podcaster-beekeeper-dilettante. When I’m not writing about pop culture or food, I’m podcasting about it. Catch me at the nearest movie theater, used bookstore, or hipster co*cktail bar.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher: The Witcher Inspired Potion Recipe co*cktails (2024)


What is the potion The Witcher drinks? ›

Based on Geralt's potion-induced appearance and abilities, however, it can be deduced that the Witcher drinks a slightly modified version of the Blizzard potion. This not only increases reflexes and reaction time, but it slows down time for the Witcher after he drinks it.

How do you make Witcher potions in real life? ›

You'll need

Combine rum and Midori in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously. Add dash lemon juice. Either top up with lemonade to taste and add to potion vessel or add to potion vessel and top up with lemonade.

What does the elixir do to The Witcher? ›

"Witcher elixirs are a very important part of being a Witcher," Baginski said. "They are basically poisons, but for Witchers, they are actually like enhancers. For Geralt, to enhance his abilities as a warrior. The elixirs make him faster, stronger, and help him see in the dark."

What is the potion vial in The Witcher? ›

Potion vial is a unique item in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is a glass vial that once held the paralysing sleeping potion which Anabelle drank before being devoured by rats. It is found near her remains inside the tower on Fyke Isle during A Towerful of Mice.

What is the elixir that turns Geralt's eyes black? ›

Because of Potions which he always take when he is going to fight some monsters, one of them is Cat potion which can enhance the eye sights to see clearly in darkness that is why his eyes turn reddish black.

What juice does The Witcher drink? ›

In The Witcher, he consumes two potions: The mixture which helped the witcher gain full control of his body was chiefly made up of veratrum, stramonium, hawthorn and spurge. The other ingredients had no name in any human language.

What is The Witcher themed alcohol? ›

Geralt's Gold is a legendary Helles inspired by Netflix's The Witcher. Named for its beloved anti-hero, Geralt of Rivia, it's a toast to destiny and all those who embrace it.

What are Witcher potions made of? ›

The potion is chiefly made of veratrum, stramonium, hawthorn, and spurge. There are also other ingredients in the potion but they do not have a name in the human language. Geralt has been drinking this potion since he was a child, hence it is not lethal for him. But, the potion can be fatal for any normal human being.

What is Geralt always drinking? ›

In The Witcher series, Geralt is often seen drinking a potion known as the "Swallow" before engaging in combat.

Why did Henry Cavill leave The Witcher? ›

And so, it was about me trying to find Geralt's place within that. All of my asks and requests were along the lines of just being faithful to the source material." Fans had also speculated that Cavill made the decision to quit The Witcher in order to dedicate his time to filming more Superman movies.

Why are Geralt's eyes yellow? ›

As a side effect, these strong toxins bleached his hair white. In The Witcher, why do Geralt of Rivia's eyes change colour? Geralt has yellow eyes due to the mutations he had to undergo in order to become a full-fledged Witcher.

Are witcher potions toxic? ›

However, they are fatally toxic to anyone who hasn't undergone the mutations to become a witcher. In earlier days, many people died drinking witcher potions that they looted off dead witchers. Each potion (as well as decoctions) has a toxicity. This toxicity shows how dangerous it is for a witcher to drink said potion.

What is Geralt's potion toxicity? ›

The least toxic potions have a toxicity of 25 and the most toxic have a toxicity of 50. Geralt cannot consume potions if their combined toxicity exceeds 100, a visual indicator is the toxicity bar turning orange for invalid combinations.

What are the ingredients for swallow potion witcher 3? ›

The can be bought from waitresses at the inn. Also some merchants will sell them and they can be found in barrels and chests. These will let you use the 4 alchemy ingredient needed for swallow, which are 1 vitriol, 2 rebis, 1 Aether.

What is in the bottle that The Witcher drinks? ›

The potion is chiefly made of veratrum, stramonium, hawthorn, and spurge. There are also other ingredients in the potion but they do not have a name in the human language. Geralt has been drinking this potion since he was a child, hence it is not lethal for him. But, the potion can be fatal for any normal human being.

What are the ingredients for the swallow potion witcher 1? ›

Example: The Swallow potion requires 1 vitriol, 2 rebis, and 1 aether ingredient. If mixing a vitriol ingredient containing albedo with 2 rebis ingredients of which both contain nigredo and an aether ingredient containing rubedo, a standard swallow potion will result.

What do you need for the swallow potion in The Witcher? ›

Swallow needs four ingredients, one measure of vitriol, one of aether, and two of rebis. This means you need at least a "High quality" alcohol base, as a "strong" base only allows three ingredients.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.