Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning (and Best First Foods) (2024)

What exactly is baby-led weaning, and why is it all over my social media news feed? In this article, we’ll give you the most complete information on baby-led weaning (BLW) so you can get started too. We covered the absolute best organic formulas recently, but what about solids?

How do we start, and when does it end? Experts were initially hesitant, but now embrace baby-led weaning for its benefits for babies.

How to Start Baby Led Weaning (BLW)

Baby-led Weaning is a relatively new term used to describe a healthier, more enriching form of nutrition for your baby. It consists of skipping the puree phase and letting them explore foods from early on.

When is Baby Ready for BLW?

Baby-led weaning focuses on allowing babies 6 months or older to start self-feeding via safe solid foods. It’s never meant to be an aggressive introduction of solids for them.

Contrary to widespread belief, baby-led weaning is a progressive, slow way of introducing them to natural foods that they will eventually fall in love with.

Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning (and Best First Foods) (1)

But… where did Baby Lead Weaning come from?

As a concept, baby-led weaning is relatively new. It was first introduced in 2001, by Gill Rapley, who dedicated 35 years of her life working with babies of different ages and stages of development.

Throughout her career as a general nurse, health visitor, midwife, breastfeeding counselor, and lactation consultant, she noticed the most common issues with the introduction of solid foods and the difficulties mothers faced during this period. Nevertheless, it is widely known that parents have been allowing their babies to explore and get familiar with different types of food for decades.

The movement is getting increasingly popular in the UK and New Zealand, and we’re here to give you a complete guide so you can make the best decision for your own needs.

Involvement During Family Meal Time

The second most important feature of baby-led weaning is that it allows infants to integrate into family mealtimes. They stop being bystanders in these crucial moments of their lives and become part of the activity.

The baby is offered baby-fist-size pieces of soft, easy-to-chew food from the very start of their complementary feeding, at around six months of age.

Please remember it is necessary to wait for them to reach this age before trying to introduce new foods.

Increases Favorable Feeding Practices

Baby-led Weaning promotes, more than anything, independence. Through the promotion of active participation in a fundamental activity such as eating, we allow our babies to develop their criteria from the start.

Baby Led Weaning and Choking

Some of the more traditionally inclined parents’ greatest concerns involve choking hazards. It is very important to observe the child’s development stage when Baby-led Weaning begins. To put it plainly - some babies are late bloomers, and that’s okay.

First Foods for Baby

It’s important to follow pediatric guidelines according to the baby’s age and to introduce foods slowly. You can start by giving them one new fruit or vegetable every two weeks, giving them enough time to get familiar with the flavors and textures.

Babies can eat a wide variety of foods through baby-led weaning (BLW), starting from around 6 months of age.

The right size and balance can provide your little one with nutrients to support their rapid growth and development.

●From 6-8 months of age: It’s ideal to introduce solids two or three times a day, plus their daily servings of Organic formula.

●From 9 months onwards: Solids can be consumed 3-4 times a day until they’re weaned off toddler milk.

Appropriate shapes, textures and sizes at every age

Heavy seasoning must be avoided in babies. It’s safer to stick with a pinch of salt.

You can also offer water with every solid meal but remember that they only require between half a cup to a cup a day, so small sips are the safest way to go.

A baby-led weaning meal should be colorful. It should include veggies, fruits, and protein. For example, you could include a piece of soft broccoli, a matchstick-sized avocado toast, and a small piece of chicken.

Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning (and Best First Foods) (2)

What age should I start baby led weaning?

Baby Led Weaning should be started on babies six months or older. You can even switch from a traditional feeding scheme to baby-led weaning if you feel like it’s the best option for you.

The facts are that from six months onwards, breastfeeding does not provide the infant with enough vitamins to fill out their requirements.

Babies grow fast, and around that age, they need all the help they can get from complementary foods.

As always, keeping track of their weight and height at control appointments is the best way we can get reassurance that we’re doing things well, or we can get feedback and improve on aspects that are trickier to get right. It’s all about learning.

Start with Soft Foods

All foods must be cooked first. It must be soft, and easy to mush between your fingers. We strongly suggest trying a piece before serving just to be safe.

Best First Foods for Baby Led Weaning

If you’re anything like us, you’re always in the search for the best option. Keeping the freshness and natural qualities of foods is key here, as this is your baby’s first introduction to them. Here are the tried & true foods to begin your Baby Led Weaning journey.

●Fruits and veggies - Essential for complimentary vitamins: Cooked carrot, sweet potato, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini. For fruits, they can enjoy most of them as long as they are ripe enough and the seeds have been taken care of: peaches, banana sticks, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, raspberries, pitted cherries, and cooked apples.

Healthy Fats: Avocado, eggs, nut butter (if allergies are absent), real butter, salmon, olive oil, yogurt on a spoon, hummus, and small quantities of goat cheese.

Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning (and Best First Foods) (3)

Offer food without pressure

The idea is to allow them to nibble at them at their own pace while giving them enough surface to hold it on their own.

It has been proven that this is very good for their motor skills. Just be prepared for a messy table. It happens! But allowing them to enjoy food from a different perspective is worth it.

Can you serve baby the same foods as the rest of the family when doing baby-led weaning?

Yes! It’s one of the many ways why it’s so easy to make them feel part of the family. They get to see you enjoy the same foods on their plate.

You will need to make some modifications like chopping up meats and veggies to appropriate size and holding off the spicy sauces, but your options will be endless. Variety will become your best friend.

Continue giving your baby milk – how much milk should my baby be drinking

Babies should be still consuming more than half of their calories and nutrients from milk. They’ll still need about 24-36 ounces depending on their age. Once they reach their first year, it can go down to 16-30 oz daily.

Please remember to consult pediatric guidelines for a more accurate feeding based on their weight and age.

Avoid foods that pose a choking hazard

You can start with softer foods, more supervision and avoid all foods that are known choking hazards, such as peanuts and full grapes.

So far, no increased risks have been found in clinical research studies that compare traditional feeding versus Baby Led Weaning.

How To Cut Foods for BLW

The size can stay pretty hom*ogenous between foods. You’ll need to cut up all foods into matchsticks like pieces about the size of an adult pinky.

How Do I Know My Baby is Ready to Start Solid Food?

Before getting to choosing the right foods, we need some basics to set the scene.

●A high chair to ensure correct alignment of the baby’s chest and stomach.

●A baby who is old enough and starts showing interest in foods.

●A divided plate to help keep variety in rotation and make all options look interesting. Suction is a great addition too - helps keep things nice and tidy.

●A parent willing to supervise the entire feeding process. This will help you stay calm while strengthening the bond between you and your baby.

Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning (and Best First Foods) (4)

Remember to Make Iron-Rich Foods the Priority When Starting Solids

One of the trickiest nutrients is iron. Found mainly in harder-to-chew foods such as meat, their introduction needs to be slower. But there’s no need to worry about it.

Pediatricians suggest the addition of iron-enriched cereals made for infants into their diet to ensure proper iron consumption.

Iron-rich foods are great for neurological development and help avoid anemia and other nutritional deficiencies that could impair their growth. You can find iron in meat, poultry, lentils, and beans.

Do Babies Need Teeth for Baby Led Weaning?

Babies should be able to consume soft foods without the help of teeth at the very beginning. It's necessary to boil foods until it’s easy to smush them with your fingertips, without using a lot of strength. That’s how you’ll know.

Signs of gagging include

While introducing BLW, you’ll need to be present, looking out for any signs of choking. Signs of gagging include sudden teary eyes, inability to cry, pushing their tongue forward and pushing food to the front of their mouth.

Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning (and Best First Foods) (5)

Palmar and Pincer Grasp

A certain level of fine motor skills are necessary to ensure your baby can take on a solid diet. The Palmar grasp should be developed by 6 months old. Your baby should be using the central portion of the palm to pick up objects from a flat surface.

The pincer grasp develops later, between 9 to 12 months. Your child should be picking up small objects with the tips of thumb and index finger, while holding forearm off of surface.

In conclusion…

The beauty of Baby Led Weaning lies in its intuitive nature. As parents, we’d like to ensure our babies are capable of digesting their next meal appropriately.

If you like to go down the safe route and follow evidence supported by the medical community, we have good news. Energy and vitamin levels are not different between babies who grow on traditional, puree-based feeding and BLW. You can be sure they will receive the nutrition they require while getting many more amazing benefits in the long run.

However, it is important to remember that milk consumption is still a crucial part of their day-to-day life. The quality of their formula makes a world’s difference when it comes to nutrition. This is what we do, this is what The Milky Box is passionate about: providing you with the absolute best options in organic, clean formulas so you can make the best choice possible for your little ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Baby Led Weaning help me avoid picky eaters?

Of course! It has been proven that babies who get introduced to food on BLW are less likely to reject new foods. Mealtimes become a stimulating experience that lets them find a wider variety of foods to enjoy.

Is screen time okay during BLW?

The short answer is no. Letting your baby get distracted with media during their feeding times will lessen the enrichment qualities of the experience, as babies tend to draw their attention to the screens immediately. We suggest using these times as moments of close contact between parents and baby.

What foods could I get my baby started on first?

If you’re struggling to decide what should be your baby’s first solid food, don’t worry! It’s a very intimidating decision and we’ve certainly been there before. Start simple. You can start by combining two or more foods, for example: boiled carrot matchsticks and a tablespoon of organic yogurt. It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated.

Should I continue giving my baby formula after they begin eating solids?

Absolutely. When babies are just getting started with solids, they mostly nibble and pick at their food, this is normal behavior. However, we need to meet the caloric requirements every single day, so a nutritious, organic formula will be needed to accompany them on this journey.

Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning (and Best First Foods) (2024)


What foods to introduce first for baby-led weaning? ›

Great first foods
  • Spears of soft ripe fruits, such as banana, pear, avocado, kiwi and mango.
  • Strips of roasted, baked or steamed vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, carrots and squash.
  • Ground meat or soft, shredded strips of meat that you can move your fingers through.
Oct 26, 2021

What should I feed my baby at the beginning of weaning? ›

To start with, your baby only needs a small amount of solid food, once a day, at a time that suits you both. You can start weaning with single vegetables and fruits – try blended, mashed, or soft cooked sticks of parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple or pear.

What do pediatricians say about baby-led weaning? ›

Pediatric experts now recommend starting solid foods at 6 months. Most 6-month-old infants can grasp food, bring it to their mouth, chew and swallow. These skills mean babies can more independently feed themselves while weaning from human milk or formula nutrition.

What is the 4 day rule for baby-led weaning? ›

The “4 Day Wait Rule” is a really simple way to check for possible reactions to new foods such as food sensitivities or food allergies. Remember that in addition to possible allergic reactions, foods can also cause digestive troubles like tummy pains, painful gas or even poop troubles.

What foods should babies avoid during led weaning? ›

Foods to avoid
  • popcorn.
  • jelly cubes.
  • marshmallows.
  • boiled sweets (or any hard, gooey or sticky sweets, including cough sweets)
  • peanut butter by itself.
  • chewing gum.
  • ice cubes.

How many times a day should I feed solids to my 6 month old? ›

From 6–8 months old, feed your baby half a cup of soft food two to three times a day. Your baby can eat anything except honey, which they shouldn't eat until they reach 12 months old. You can start to add a healthy snack, like mashed fruit, between meals.

Can a 6 month old have eggs? ›

Raw and lightly cooked eggs

Babies can have eggs from around 6 months. If the eggs are hens' eggs and they have a red lion stamped on them, or you see a red lion with the words "British Lion Quality" on the box, it's fine for your baby to have them raw (for example, in homemade mayonnaise) or lightly cooked.

Can a 6 month old have yogurt? ›

Milk itself is also a good source of vitamin D, as it is added to the milk we buy. You can introduce yogurt and cheese once your baby is six months old, as long as they continue to eat a variety of iron-rich foods. Let your baby enjoy the taste of plain unsweetened yogurt, or add fresh, canned or frozen fruit.

Which purees to introduce first? ›

  • Yam or Sweet Potato Puree. Sweet potatoes and yams are not the same, but when it comes to starting solids, they may as well be! ...
  • Acorn or Butternut Squash Puree. ...
  • Green Pea Puree. ...
  • Green Bean Puree. ...
  • Avocado Puree. ...
  • Apple Puree. ...
  • Pear Puree. ...
  • Plantain or Banana Puree.
Aug 15, 2019

What is the first vegetable for a baby? ›

When introducing new foods wait 3 to 5 days between each new food to determine whether your child has any reactions to the food offered. Great first veggies to try: Pureed carrots. Pureed squash.

Which veggies to introduce first? ›

For babies just starting to eat solids (around 6 months or so), try these six softer, blendable veggies.
  • Carrots. Bugs Bunny's fave orange veggies are a baby food staple for good reason. ...
  • Spinach. Speaking of cartoon characters' favorite vegetables, remember Popeye's love for spinach? ...
  • Pumpkin. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Sweet potatoes. ...
  • Peas.
Feb 12, 2021

What is the bliss method of baby-led weaning? ›

The BLISS method consists of several essential characteristics including offering foods so that the infant can feed themselves similar to a BLW approach, but additionally the method includes advice to offer one high-iron food at each meal, one high-energy food at each meal and food being prepared suitably according to ...

What is the baby-led weaning strategy? ›

The overarching principles of BLW are therefore: the infant is milk fed, ideally exclusively breastfed, until approximately six months of age, they then transition to pieces of whole food that they feed themselves, and the infant shares their meals with the family, eating the same food as the family wherever possible.

How do you do a successful baby-led weaning? ›

Tips for successful baby-led weaning
  1. Invest in a big bib.
  2. Start slowly.
  3. Don't worry about plates or bowls for now.
  4. Make slippery foods easy to grasp.
  5. Encourage fun.
  6. Don't force the issue.
  7. Be flexible.
Nov 9, 2022

Can you do baby-led weaning after starting purees? ›

While a baby who has been started on purees and spoon feeding can't truly be defined as having been fully BLW'd, it's never too late to offer pieces of food. Everyone is entitled to change their approach when they learn something new, or when they discover that what they've chosen isn't working for them.

How do I start my baby led eating? ›

Set them up for success with a highchair that allows them to sit up straight and has foot support. Sit with them as you offer food. Check your own expectations of what will happen and simply allow your baby to take the lead. Start with one new food a day or every few days.

Can you start with purees and then do baby-led weaning? ›

Start slow

Offer a mixture of purees and baby-led weaning table foods to allow your baby to get used to the new feeding method. Try serving both at a meal, or doing one meal with purees and one meal table foods.

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