Public records can be obtained several ways: in person at our headquarters, 2100 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33426; by calling our Records Division at 561-742-6100; and online via the City of Boynton Beach (boynton-beach.org).
How do I find someone in Palm Beach County jail? ›
Locate an Inmate
Every county has their own website to determine who was recently arrested. If you cannot locate the inmate please call us at (561)967-0086 and a friendly and experienced agent will be more than happy to assist you.
How do I look up a police report in Palm Beach County? ›
A police report may be obtained online using the Town's records request portal, or from the Records Unit located in the lobby of the Police Department, 345 South County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480. This service is provided Mon - Fri.
What is the mission statement of the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office? ›
Facts about the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office
The mission of the sheriff's office in Palm Beach County is to safeguard the lives and property of the people and communities it serves, to reduce crime and to enhance public safety while working with diverse communities to improve their quality of life.
Can I look up local arrests? ›
Yes. Members of the public can access information about recent arrests ("arrest logs") from a local law enforcement agency's website for free. However, anyone requesting a copy of an arrest record or report from such agencies must pay the associated fee, which differs by agency.
How do you check if someone you know went to jail? ›
Alternatively, requestors may use the 'Locate Inmate' tool available on the CDCR website. The search tool allows users to query the database by two required filters, CDCR number or Last name. A search by the last name typically yields a list of all inmates with that name.
How can I find out if my boyfriend is in jail? ›
Search the county website's law enforcement databases (if available). Some county jail websites have searchable databases of the people being held there. Usually, you don't need anything more than a person's name to search the database.
How do I look up arrests in Florida? ›
For statewide criminal history, information, please contact the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Public Records, (850) 410-8109 or visit their website at: https://web.fdle.state.fl.us/search/app/default.
Are local police reports public record? ›
Let us help you demystify the process. First thing to know -- the California Public Records Act (CPRA) is the law in California for accessing public records from police departments, local governments, and state agencies.
Are police reports public record in Florida? ›
Without an express legislative exemption, law enforcement personnel records are open to inspection just like those of other public employees. However, there are some exemptions which apply specifically to law enforcement personnel records.
You may call 561-688-3140 and someone will be glad to assist you with your request. In person: The PBSO locations are open Monday through Friday to assist you in person, during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
How many deputies does PBSo have? ›
The Sheriff is Ric Bradshaw. PBSO has more than 4,000 employees and 4,300 volunteers that serve more than 800,000 residents in the county's unincorporated areas as well as its cities and towns. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office operates the jail and provides security at the main courthouse in West Palm Beach.
Who is West Palm Beach Sheriff? ›
Incumbent Ric Bradshaw is seeking a sixth term as Palm Beach County sheriff. He won Tuesday's Democratic primary, beating candidate Alex Freeman. “This is the community's way of saying thanks for what you do.
How big is Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office? ›
About us. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office has over 3,400 dedicated and professional employees waiting to help you in any way.
How do you look up arrests in Florida? ›
The FDLE maintains statewide Criminal History Record Check Systems for retrieving public arrest and criminal information. Each search costs $24 plus a $1 processing fee, payable by debit or credit card. Alternatively, individuals can submit a public records request to the FDLE for public arrest records.
How do I look up court cases in Florida? ›
For up-to-date case docket entries and registration information, visit https://acis.flcourts.gov. If you know the case number, just enter it below. If not, please use one of the other search options: party or attorney, lower tribunal case number, or date filed.
Does Boca Raton have a jail? ›
If you do not find an inmate online, you can visit the Boca Raton Jail at 100 Northwest Boca Raton Boulevard, , (Northwest 2nd Ave), Boca Raton, FL, 33432. Moreover, you can call the Boca Raton Jail at 561-338-1234, 561-368-6201, and you get all the assistance you seek.
What county is Boynton Beach, FL in? ›