7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (2024)

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7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (1)

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7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe

It is true… we listen to the radio, television, magazines, and the opinions of friends.

Honestly, there is so much information fighting for space in our minds that we don’t even realize what we’re remembering most of the time.

Or, we don’t remember at all.

By the same token, we fly through the day with little thought to what we’re believing, saying, and sharing.

Undoubtedly, dear Christian, is dangerous.

Honestly, there is so much information fighting for space in our mind that we don’t even realize what we’re remembering most of the time. Click To Tweet

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe

Whereas, we must guard our minds.

We must be fighting to fill our heads with the truth.

And, we must be proactive, choosing to fight the lies with what God says.

The Bible tells us to “demolish arguments and every pretense that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.” [2 Corinthians 10:5]

Truly, this is important stuff.

So, rather than beginning the day reading books, newspapers, and texts from opinionated friends, let’s take a few minutes to fill our minds with truth.

Here are 7 truths every Christian needs daily.

First of the Important TruthsYou have been bought with a price.

Indeed, you are God’s.

And, He chose to make you, pursue you, forgive you, redeem you, and adopt you as His own.

Additionally, He sent His Son to die so that he would be glorified with your new life. God loves you enough to make your body a temple of the Holy Spirit. Further, God loves you enough to chase you and catch you.

Also, He loves you enough to send His Son to the cross.

What does this mean, Christian? Surely, your life has purpose, meaning, and value.

Surely, your life has a purpose, meaning, and value. Click To Tweet

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (2)

Second, You are redeemed and forgiven of all sin.

All of the evil you have ever done – and in Scripture, it tells us that everyone has done evil [Romans 3:10] – is washed away. It is gone.

So, there is no need for shame. Indeed, there is nothing you have done that Jesus did not redeem on the cross. What a gift!

What does this mean, Christian? Although confession is necessary, forgiveness is certain.

Although confession is necessary, forgiveness is certain. Click To Tweet

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (3)

Third of the Important TruthsYou cannot be separated from God’s love.

If you are a Jesus-follower, then nothing you can ever do will separate you from God and His love.

To clarify, the Lord cherishes you, holds your tender heart, and calls you His child. Nothing can stop that.

What does this mean, Christian? Because of this, you can run to the Lord with your struggles. Certainly, He longs to hold you and love you.

Truly, you can run to the Lord with your struggles. Certainly, He longs to hold you and love you. Click To Tweet

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (4)

Fourth, You are God’s & the devil has no rule in your life.

Unfortunately, the devil loves to try and squirm his way into our lives.

Further, he likes to make us feel inferior, anxious, bitter, and rebellious. And, he likes to make us think that we can be our little gods.

But the truth is this: victory has already been claimed.

Moreover, Christ won.

In particular, He defeated the monster of Satan who now has no dominion in your life. Tell him to back away, because, in Jesus’ name, there is no room for the devil.

What does this mean, Christian? Certainly, you can claim Jesus when you feel the forces of evil. He will show up. After all, He already won the battle.

Truly, you can claim Jesus when you feel the forces of evil. He will show up. After all, He already won the battle. Click To Tweet

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (5)

Fifth, You are God’s workmanship.

Even more, God crafted you. God has given you abilities for His glory – so that you can work as unto the Lord.

And, He cares about your successes, and He also cares about making His name known among the nations.

Indeed, He will use faithful servants to proclaim His truth. And that is you. You are His workmanship, created to work for God’s glory and purposes.

What does this mean, Christian? We can use our passions and skills to be Jesus in the world. Think of the gifts God has given you and use them.

Likewise, we can use our passions and skills to be Jesus in the world. Think of the gifts God has given you and use them. Click To Tweet

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (6)

Sixth, You are complete in Jesus.

Nothing defines you except for the blood and the name of Jesus.

If you’re searching for fulfillment in something other than the Lord, you’re looking in the wrong place, friend. Your job will not fulfill you.

Even more, your marriage will not fulfill you. Additionally, your children, your home, your money, your appearance – none of it will fulfill you.

Do you want to know what will?

Chiefly, Jesus. His truth. His love. Truly, His promises about your worth. And because of His death on the cross, you are made complete and whole.

What does this mean, Christian? Your heart longs for Jesus. Fill it with Him and not the things of the world.

Truly, your heart longs for Jesus. Fill it with Him and not the things of the world. Click To Tweet

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Seventh, You have access to God through the Spirit.

You can make your requests known to the Lord because you have the Holy Spirit inside of you. You’ve been given access to the God of the universe.

Do you know what else?

Indeed, He hears. He loves you. And, He cares about the struggles, concerns, fears, and hardships you face. Cry out to Him. We’ve been given access through the Spirit.

What does this mean, Christian? You are never alone. You are always heard. God deeply cares.

You are never alone. You are always heard. God deeply cares. Click To Tweet

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (8)

Grab ahold of these truths and fight to believe them every day.

Yes! You are so valued & so loved by the Creator of the world.

Goodness, if I could sit across from you at a coffee shop sipping lattes, you would hear my passion – please believe these truths.

  • First, fight to believe them.
  • Second, pray for a deeper ability to believe them.
  • Third, trust what God says about you.
  • Finally, run to Him daily.

You are worthy, redeemed, loved, protected, set apart, complete, and heard.

About the Author:

Alison Tiemeyer is a wife, mom blogger, and Jesus follower growing in grace and truth daily.

And, she loves coffee in the morning, experimenting in the kitchen, camping with her husband, and reading in a hammock just about anywhere.

We’ve got a wonderful family resource to share with you!

It’s a devotional book for teen girls called Live in Light.

Live In Lightis every girl’s guide to tackling their teenage years with the wisdom and comfort of the Bible. From navigating the pressure to be “perfect” on social media to dating and dealing with frenemies, these 5-minute devotionals help you to become the woman that both you and God want you to be.

Inside these teen devotionals for girls, you’ll find:

  • 5-minute devotionals—Bring the Bible into your day at any moment with quick and practical readings.
  • Relatable Scripture—Unpack lessons from the Bible with anecdotes you can apply to your daily life.
  • A spiritual toolkit—Relate God’s words to challenges and topics like social media, body image, self-worth, and more.

In a world filled with change, this book offers unwavering guidance to live under the bright light of faith.

Also, discover more on Amazon at Live in Light.

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (9)

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7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (10)

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (11)

7 Important Truths All Christians Should Believe - Ministry of Hope (2024)


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Each principle is centered on the Lord, bringing the glory to Him alone, and the fulfillment of each is essential to the healthy Christian life.
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  • Love God, not the world. ...
  • Believe God, not the deceiver. ...
  • Obey God, not your appetites. ...
  • Serve God, not self. ...
  • Worship God, not comfort.

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I added the last two to make explicit what he probably felt was obvious.
  • Worship: honoring God and offering ourselves. ...
  • Fellowship: enjoying and caring for other Christians. ...
  • Discipleship: helping each other become like Jesus. ...
  • Evangelism: inviting people into God's family. ...
  • Service: sharing burdens and meeting needs.
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but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

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The material gained a larger following in the 1960s and 1970s as Gothard's ideas represented an antidote to the harmful drugs and ennui of the hippie movement. Bill Gothard taught seven basic principles that Christians should live by: design, authority, responsibility, suffering, ownership, freedom and success.

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Below are seven very important commandments Jesus gave us in the Gospels:
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According to this writer the Commandments of the Church are: To hear Mass on Sundays and Holy Days; to fast during Lent, on prescribed vigils, and the ember-days; to abstain from meat on Fridays and Saturdays; to go to confession once a year; to receive Holy Communion at Easter; to pay tithes; and finally not to ...

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The Core Truths we Teach | INCW. The Bible is the verbally inspired word of God and inerrant in the original writing, and that it is the only infallible rule for faith and life. There is only one true God, self-existent, and by nature He is eternal, all knowing, all-powerful, and all present.

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James 3:17 describes the seven pillars of wisdom that God gives generously to those who ask him: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” In the Bible, the number seven often symbolizes fullness and ...

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We believe that: (1) the Scriptures are God's revelation of himself to mankind; (2) they are infallible (never wrong); and (3) they are the divinely authoritative guide for our faith, belief, and manner of living (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Peter 1:21).

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Psalm 31:24 - Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord! Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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Hope of Eternal Life

Our expectation of eternal life – experiencing the hope of the glory of God – gives Christians perspective on how to live our life while we're here on earth. This hope colors our experiences and how we interact with people. It fuels us and gives our life more meaning.

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God allows us to struggle and fail to bring humility and realization we need Him in our lives all day, every day. Sometimes it is hard to see and understand why a loving God allows us to struggle and experience hardship, but it is because of His love for us and His desire to bring us closer to Him he allows it.

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Jesus' strategy for sharing the gospel was simple: "Love one another." The early church carried out Jesus' command through a web of healthy relationships characterized by the 5 Ps: Person, Pastor, Partner, Protégé, and Prospect.

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The 'five solas' are summarised below:
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  • Grace alone: Sola gratia. ...
  • Glory to God alone: Soli deo gloria.
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.